Authors Doan Perdana, Riri Fitri Sari
Publication Name IEEE Conference on lntelligent Green Building & Smart Grid (IGBSG) 2014
Abstract Providing an efficient and scalable VANET multicast routing has multiple issues due to its highly dynamic topology, the high mobility, and change trajectory On the other hand, mobility models represent real world scenarios and according that issues above, we need to evaluate shortest path performance in the mobility models using random Dijkstra algorithm for IEEE 1609.4 standard. In this paper, we evaluate the performance mobility model for multicast routing protocol compared with broadcast routing in IEEE 1609.4 standard, in terms of throughput, queuing delay, and number of delivered packets. The mobility models observed in this work are Manhattan Mobility Model, STRAW Mobility Model, Traffic Sign Model and Intelligent Driver Management Model (IDM_IM). The mobility models is also evaluated performance using random Dijkstra algorithm. We also evaluates performance safety and non-safety application using multicast routing for IEEE 1609.4 standard. We use VanetMobiSim and ns 2.34 simulator for the evaluation. From the simulation, it was found that IDM_IM mobility model has the worst delay for broadcast routing compared with multicast routing. We can analyze IDM_IM using spatial map randomly to generate traffic and multicast routing is more efficient and scalable routing protocol in VANET compared with broadcast routing. On the other hand, STRAW mobility model for multicast routing has the highest throughput among others. We also evaluate performance safety and non-safety application impact of different mobility models for IEEE 1609.4 standard. For non-safety application using Dijkstra's algorithm for multicast routing protocol, IDM_IM mobility model has the worst delay. On the other hand, for safety application, STRAW mobility model highest throughput and number of delivered packets among others.
Publisher IEEE Conference on lntelligent Green Building & Smart Grid (IGBSG) 2014
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Impact Factor (JCR) ---
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Website http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6835255/