Authors Sri Chusri Haryanti, Riri Fitri Sari
Publication Name Journal of Computers
Abstract This paper reviews task execution reliability in mobile ad hoc grid. We consider resource allocation for mobile ad hoc grids with centralized architecture in the presence of dependent tasks. Allocating appropriate resources for the tasks can avoid uncompleted tasks and ensure the service reliability. With the aim to increase service reliability, resource management can assign the same tasks to different resources for parallel execution (tasks replication). Analytical example is given to illustrate the reliability. The result reveals that assigning the same tasks to more than one resource nodes has increased the reliability. Assigning the same tasks to 4 or 3 resource nodes provides superior reliability than that of just 2 resource nodes.
Publisher Academy Publisher
ISSN ISSN 1796-203X
Page 328-336
Volume 9
Impact Factor (JCR) 0.37
SJR 23
Ranking Quartile Q3
Website https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276240540_Reliability_of_Resource_Allocation_in_Mobile_Ad_Hoc_Grid_with_Tasks_Replication