Authors Abdul Kodir, Djoko M. Hartono, Irdika Mansur
Publication Name International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

Abstract:- Coal-mined lands face the problems of acidic soil
conditions, a lack of top soil, and an excess of surface rocks,
which result in less fertile soil. Under these conditions, plants
must adapt to grow well in soil that is acidic and less fertile.
To counteract these harsh conditions for plant growth, the use
of cajuput (Melaleuca cajuputi) in the land formerly mined by
PT Bukit Asam is tested. This study aims to determine the
growth, leaf production, oil quality and economic potential of
cajuput. This study finds that cajuput is suitable to be
developed in ex-mining areas with acidic, less fertile soil
conditions; is resistant to puddling if it is planted in a garden
pattern; and can be profitable.
Keyword: Mined land; Cajuput; Cajuput oil.

Publisher http://www.ijert.org
ISSN 2278-0181
Page 357-361
Volume 5
Impact Factor (JCR) ---
SJR ---
Ranking Quartile Q4
Website http://www.ijert.org