Authors Djoko M. Hartono, Evi Novita1, rma Gusniani, Imelda Ika Dian Oriza
Publication Name International Journal of Technology

Jakarta lies in low-lying deltas served by the Ciliwung River and many other small rivers. Due
to overpopulation in Jakarta, green open spaces are diminishing. Since infiltration capacities of
land in Jakarta have decreased, surface runoff has become more extensive. As a result, Jakarta
is often stricken by flood disasters which affect human life, property, and urban infrastructures.
The objectives of this study are to identify and develop mitigation strategies during flood
disasters for communities and urban infrastructures, including facilities that supply water for
daily use as well as drinking water, and also sanitation facilities. Primary data was collected
during field surveys, while secondary data represents information obtained from relevant
literature. The results of this study show that the average height of water during flooding was
about 1 meter, and the highest level reported as 4 meters. The time required to fully drain the
flooding areas is typically about five days. However, the degree of damage to buildings and
property is relatively minor during a flood. The study also reveals that residents who have lived
in their houses more than 25 years generally had been hit by floods at least two times. Thus,
these communities demonstrated that they had learned from their experiences to prepare
themselves for future flooding to reduce the extent of damage, suffering, and loss. Public
guidelines for mitigating damages caused by flood disasters should be developed and followed
with communication and explanation to the communities within the various regions of Jakarta.
The water supply facilities, such as reservoirs, and sanitation facilities should ensure that water
tanks are made available to every shelter and campground, and that permanent public toilets are
Keywords: Drinking water; Floods; Mechanism; Sanitation; Water supply

Publisher IJTech
ISSN ISSN 2086?9614
Page 29-37
Volume 1
Impact Factor (JCR) ---
SJR ---
Ranking Quartile Q4
Website http://jtui@eng.ui.ac.id