Authors Djoko M. Hartono, Gabriel Andari Kristanto, Syaiful Amin
Publication Name International Journal of Technology

Trading activities, whether in traditional or modern markets, generate both solid waste and
wastewater. This study aims to analyze the characteristics and composition of solid waste
generated from traditional and modern markets and their potential reductions in Pasar Pondok
Bambu and Pasar Cinere, based on waste generation, composition, and solid waste’s
characteristics that are generated from both markets. The method used in this study is based on
SNI 19-3964-1994 about Measurement and Collection Method for Waste Generation and
Composition of Municipal Solid Waste Sample. Results showed that the average volume of
solid waste generation from Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere is 2.74 m3/day and
0.76 m3/day, respectively. The main components of Pasar Pondok Bambu solid waste are
65.56% garden and vegetable waste, 13.04% slaughterhouse waste, 7.34% plastic waste, and
7.28% food waste. Meanwhile, the main components of Pasar Segar Cinere are 58.77% garden
and vegetable waste, 20.58% food waste, 9.60% plastic waste, and 3.76% paper waste. There is
a chance to reduce the amount of waste in both traditional markets in order to reduce the waste
load in landfills. Alternatives to reducing the amount of solid waste are through reducing,
reusing, recycling, and composting. These alternatives are expected to reduce solid waste
generation in both Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere. In order to be able to be used
as compost material, both sources of solid waste should add materials such as leaves from
garden waste to increase the levels of carbon content. Based on solid waste composition,
potential reduction waste in both Pasar Pondok Bambu and Pasar Segar Cinere is around 40%.
Keywords: Market waste; Solid waste; Waste characteristics; Waste generation

Publisher IJTech
ISSN 2086-9614
Page 838-846
Volume 5
Impact Factor (JCR) ---
SJR ---
Ranking Quartile Q4
Website http://www.ijtech.eng.ui.ac.id/index.php/journal/article/view/2016