Authors Djoko Sihono Gabriel
Publication Name Key Engineering Materials

Inapropriate packaging design and implementation of quality improvement of plastic waste paradigm affected low acceptance of waste for mechanical recylcling. This research proposed material value conservation paradigm with design for recycling principles as key solution in avoiding its value degradation. Phenomenology and plastic quality measurement implemented as methodologies of research. Some evidents in Indonesia verifed the presence of the new paradigm in practice and followed with estimation of its prospective benefit. The new paradigm will generate broader impact and more benefit if adopted for other type of materials, especially for regions with high density of people and high consumption rate of conserved products.

Publisher Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
ISSN 1662-9795
Page 362-367
Volume 705
Impact Factor (JCR) ---
SJR 0.173
Ranking Quartile Q4
Website http://www.scientific.net/KEM.705.362