

Profile Wahyuaji Narottama Putra, MT

Name Wahyuaji Narottama Putra, MT
Department Teknik Metalurgi dan Material
Research Interest Steel surface engineering, nanoparticle
Expertise Steel Heat Treatment, Surface Engineering, Electronic Material (Copper)
Profile :
Wahyuaji is a lecturer in Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering Universitas Indonesia, and currently pursuing his PhD at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The topic of his PhD thesis is on Three Dimensional Integrated Circuit (3DIC), specifically in Thermal Characterisation of Copper Through-Silicon Vias (Cu TSVs). He got his Master and Bachelor degree from Universitas Indonesia in 2006 and 2008 respectively. His current research topics are including thermal spray on steel, and nanoparticle as high performance coolant. Wahyuaji is now acting as the Manager of Training Division at Center for Materials Processing and Failure Analysis (CMPFA), a venture unit under Department of Metallurgy & Materials Engineering.