
28/09/2017 14:49 Authored By: Administrator

Dear Partners,

KEMENRISTEKDIKTI, MAEDI, MESR and the French Embassy in Indonesia inform you that the 2018 Edition of NUSANTARA program of cooperation between Indonesia and France is now open (see Call For Proposals attached).

To simplify the application procedure, French partners are requested to submit their proposal directly online through Campus France website. Their Indonesian counterpart is requested to print the online document (pdf generated by the system) and to submit it in hard copy to KEMENRISTEKDIKTI.

All information can be found here: http://www.campusfrance.org/fr/nusantara or here: http://research.eng.ui.ac.id/uploads/files/20170928-144341201.pdf

The deadline is the 13th of October 2017.

For information, through this normal procedure, applicants can only request at first a Mobility funding.

Then, for successful projects only, a second committee will decide to provide additional research funding (for both French and Indonesian Partners in the limit of available budget early 2018).

Best regards

If you don't want to receive emails or alerts anymore, please let us know at: nicolas.gascoin@diplomatie.gouv.fr

Nicolas GASCOIN (Prof Dr Ir)

Coopération Scientifique et Technologique en Indonésie

Head of the Cooperation Office for Science & Technology
Ambassade de France en Indonésie - Jl. MH Thamrin 20 – JAKARTA 10350
Tél.:    +62 (0) 21 2355 7908
Port:   +62 (0) 811 8081 708
WA :   +62 859 2050 8404
Email : nicolas.gascoin@diplomatie.gouv.fr