
29/06/2016 14:33 Authored By: Administrator

The 2016 International Workshop on Big Data & Information Security (IWBIS) provides an international forum that brings together those who are actively involved in the research on Big Data and Information Security areas to report on up-to-the-minute innovations and developments, to summarize the state-of-the-art, and to exchange ideas and advances in all aspects of systems engineering, human machine interface, and emerging applications.

Papers related to this conference theme include theories, methodologies, and emerging applications such as recognition of activities of daily living are encouraged. Contributions covering theoretical developments and practical applications, including but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited:

Big Data :
1. Data capture and storage;
2. Search, sharing, and analytics;
3. Big data technologies;
4. Data visualization;
5. Architectures for massively parallel processing;
6. Data mining tools and techniques;
7. Machine learning algorithms for big data;
8. Cloud computing platforms;
9. Distributed file systems and databases;
10. And scalable storage systems
Information Security:
1. Authentication and access control
2. Anonymity and privacy
3. Cryptographic protection
4. Digital forensics
5. Human factors in security
6. Multimedia security
7. Network and mobile security
8. Security management and policies
9. Hardware and physical security
For more information, please visit : http://iwbis.cs.ui.ac.id/