07/05/2021 13:36 Authored By: Administrator
The University of Greenwich in collaboration with the Universitas Indonesia is launching the following Workshop funded by the Researcher Links Climate Challenge – British Council
The Workshop will be held as a 4-day virtual event (29th June 2021 - 2nd July 2021) on Microsoft Teams. Applications are now open on the Workshop website (climatechangefloodworkshop.co.uk) until 25th May.
The event is an interactive conference intended to inspire early career researchers (ECRs) with different expertise related to climate change, flood risk, risk management and structural engineering/design.
The interested ECRs can apply through the website and 18 applicants will be selected via a competitive process based on their CV, research interests, title of the poster/oral presentation and a statement of motivation/impact.
The selected ECRs will be allowed to:
Present their recent research projects to experts from academia and industry. Attend inspiring Keynote lectures by Governmental and NGO Authorities as well as Research Officers speakers. Work on a group assignment with fellow ECRs from other disciplines from both the UK and Indonesia Submit the group assignment as a research proposal to the organizing committee and compete for FOUR RESEARCH AWARDS of £8,500 to support research activities.
Organising committee.
Dr. Marianna Ercolino (UI)
Dr. Dwinanti Rika Marthanty (UI)
Asc. Prof. Carmine Galasso (UCL)
Prof. Alessandro De Pinto (U G)
Dr. Reni Suwarso (UI)
Dr. Cipta Endyana (Unpad)