

Profile Nofrijon Sofyan, Ph.D.

Name Nofrijon Sofyan, Ph.D.
Department Teknik Metalurgi dan Material
Research Interest Solar cell, energy storage, superalloys
Expertise Nanostructured energy materials
Profile :
Nofrijon Sofyan graduated with honors from Andalas University in April 1992 with a bachelor degree in chemistry. He entered graduate school at the Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, in 1997 and received a masters degree in materials science in June 1999. He worked on the staff of the Research Center for Materials Science at the same school before entering the doctoral program in 2000. In October 2001 he joined Samuel Ginn College of Engineering Auburn University, USA, as a research scholar in his effort to finish the doctoral degree, but then he decided to join Materials Engineering as a full time graduate student. He entered Materials Engineering Program in Spring 2003 and completed the qualification for masters degree in 2005. He then continued for the doctoral degrees and earned his Ph.D. in August 2008. He is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and appointed as a group leader of Advanced Materials Research Center (AMRC), part of Center of Excellence in Energy Availability for Net Zero Initiative (UI NZI), under Interdisciplinary Engineering Education and Research Unit (P2IK), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. He teaches some subjects for undergraduate and graduate classes. These include Transport Phenomena, Numerical Computation, Nanotechnology, Physical Metallurgy, Materials Physics, and Research Methodology. He is also actively involved in research and has published several articles in Scopus indexed publication. His current research area is in nanostructured materials for new and renewable energy, especially in the area of nanostructured energy materials for battery and solar cell development. Some examples include but not limited to carbon nanotubes, natural dyes extraction for semiconductor sensitization, sol-gel process for synthesizing nanoparticles: Development of TiO2 and ZnO Based Nanomaterials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) and Perovskite Solar Cells (PSCs), and Development of Active Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries. Scopus ID: 57205339922 Sinta ID: 5988220 ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7814-9022 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=facFjlQAAAAJ&hl=en Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nofrijon_Sofyan Email: nofrijon.sofyan@ui.ac.id